What are VEEs?
Along with the exam process all prospective actuaries must go through, they must also take certain courses to fulfill VEE requirements. There were three topics (until the curriculum changes in 2018 by both the SOA and CAS): Applied Statistical Methods, Economics, and Corporate Finance. After the change in curriculum, there are now three VEE topics: Mathematics Statistics, Accounting and Finance, and Economics. These courses are separate from the exam process; you do not need to take these classes before you take exams, nor do you need to pass exams before you can take these courses. However, you do need to pass at least two exams before you can add VEEs to your record. Most students do them concurrently in college, since many of these classes are also helpful for actuarial exam preparation.
For more information, click here.
For more information, click here.
What courses offered at Cornell count for VEE credit?
CAS compiled a list of courses that Cornell offers that count for VEE credit, summarized below. If there is a course that you believe should count for VEE credit but you do not see it on the list (and it is not on the SOA 's list either), you may apply for the course to be approved by the VEE Administration Committee at any time. You would have to complete the VEE course approval application.
Updated August 2023
→ Mathematical Statistics
Updated August 2023
→ Mathematical Statistics
- AEM 2100: Introductor Statistics. Offered Fall.
- ENGRD 2700: Basic Engineering Probability and Statistics. Offered Fall/Spring/Summer.
- STSCI/BTRY 4090: Theory of Statistics. Offered Fall/Sping
- ECON 1110: Introductory Microeconomics. Offered Fall/Spring. Microeconomics component.
- ECON 1120: Introductory Macroeconomics. Offered Fall/Spring. Macroeconomics component.
- ECON 3010: Accelerated Microeconomics. Offered Fall. Microeconomics component.
- ECON 3020: Accelerated Macroeconomics. Offered Spring. Macroeconomics component.
- ECON 3030: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory. Offered Fall. Microeconomics component.
- ECON 3040: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory. Offered Spring. Macroeconomics component.
- AEM 2210: Introduction to Accounting. Offered Fall/Spring.
- AEM 2241: Finance. Offered Fall/Spring.
- ORIE 3150: Financial and Managerial Accounting. Offered Fall.
- NCC 5560: Managerial Finance. Offered Spring.
Note: We are currently petitioning Cornell and the SOA to approve more classes for the brand new "Accounting and Finance" and "Mathematical Statistics." Please reach out to [email protected] if you need any courses (with updated syllabus) to be approved.